Monday, March 6, 2023

Mass upload/download files

Recently I was presented with a requirement wherein the user should be able to mass upload files from their local workstation to PeopleSoft and then mass download the files from PeopleSoft to their local workstation. The files would be stored in the database record.

I am running PT 8.59.x and PeopleSoft does provide a couple of functions MAddAttachment and DetachAttachment for this exact requirement. 

The MAddAttachment function is pretty straight forward. I was able to call it via FieldChange event, where in a dialog box is presented to the user to select a single file or multiple files and the files are loaded to the URL value provided as part of the function parameter. The function also has a parameter which can limit the number of files uploaded at a time. Just like the AddAttachment function this function also converts the filenames which have special characters like a space, amersand, plus sign etc. to underscores. More info about this under the "Understanding the File Attachment Functions" and "File Name Considersations" section in Peoplebooks.

For my requirement I was displaying the files loaded via MAddAttachment in a grid on the page. Now I provided another button, and on FieldChange of this button the plan was to invoke DetachAttachment to run through the files in the grid and download them locally to the user's workstation. For some reason this does not work. The code would run through the grid but would download only the last file in the grid, no errors anywhere.  So following is what I did to get around this limitation.

I am using GetAttachment first to read through the grid rowset and download the files to a temporary location on the server. I am programmatically creating a folder structure to download the files to. Then I am using java clases to compress or zip up the files in the temporary folder. Process to compress files available here. Then I am using PutAttachment function to upload the single compressed/zip file back into the database. Finally I am calling DetachAttachment to download the compressed/zip file to the user's local workstation. As part of post-cleanup I am using DeleteAttachment to delete the compressed/zip file from the database and then using RemoveDirectory to delete the temporary location created on the sevrer to download the files to.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Peoplecode to zip/archive files

Following is a way to archive, compress or zip up files via peoplecode. Alternative would be to use command line calls to products like winzip, 7-zip etc. For this test I am running PT 8.59.x. The same should also be possible in slightly older Peopletools releases too, like PT 8.56.x

Oracle provides java classes that can be used for this task. This method will create a new archive file and add files to the root location of the archive or zip file. 

The solution uses the following three java classes that are delivered with PeopleTools




/* initialize Java Obejct &myArchive */
Local JavaObject &myArchive = CreateJavaObject("", CreateJavaObject("", &zipFileName, True));

In the above line of code &zipFileName is the complete path of the archive file that we will create.

&fileNametoAdd - will have the complete path to the file that we will be adding to the archive. 

In order to get the filename value from the file path do the following.

&FilePath = Split(&fileNametoAdd, "\");
&fname = &FilePath [&FilePath.Len];

Local JavaObject &ArchiveEntry = CreateJavaObject("", &fname);

/* Add Archive entry to OutputStream */

/* now add the file to the archive */
/* Read source file into input stream */
Local JavaObject &in = CreateJavaObject("", &fileNametoAdd);

/* Java Array that will read bytes from input file */
Local JavaObject &filebuffer = CreateJavaArray("byte[]", 1024);
Local number &byteCount = &;
/* Read bytes from input file and load it byte array  - Do until all bytes are read*/
While &byteCount > 0
      /* Write Bytes of Data to corresponding Archive Output Stream */
      &myArchive.write(&filebuffer, 0, &byteCount);
      &byteCount = &;
/* Close input stream */

/* Close archive */

Friday, February 17, 2023

Securing PDF

Following is a way to secure pdf files generated via non-BI Publisher technology like SQR. For this test I am running PT 8.59.x. Should be available in slightly older Peopletools releases too, like PT 8.56.x

Oracle provides java classes that can be used for securing a pdf file. This method will add a password to the pdf file, so that a password is prompted to the user while opening the pdf as well as adds a digital signature to the pdf. This class does both so if the requirement is to only password protect a pdf file, we still have to add a signature but make it small or invisible. 

This method also requires a digital certificate signed by one of the approved adobe certificate authorities called as AATL. The certificate has to be pfx format (can be converted using tools like openssl). If a self-signed certificate is used, the process still works but the end user will receive a warning banner in adobe reader once the document is opened and will have to manually trust the certificate by adding it to the adbobe trust store. 

The solution uses two java classes that are delivered with PeopleTools

1. java.util.Properties

2. oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature

Local JavaObject &jProp = CreateJavaObject("java.util.Properties");

&jProp.setProperty("signature-enable", "True");
&jProp.setProperty("pdf-security", "True");
&jProp.setProperty("pdf-open-password", &EncryptPswd);
&jProp.setProperty("pdf-permissions-password", &EncryptPswd);
&jProp.setProperty("pdf-changes-allowed", "0");

&EncryptPswd is the password that will be used to open the pdf file. 

&inFile is the complete path to the source pdf file and &outFile is the complete path of the secured pdf file. 

Local JavaObject &pdfSignature = CreateJavaObject("oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature", &inFile, &outFile);

&digPswd is the password of the pfx digitial certificate file and &digSign is the complete path to the pfx file. Make sure the paths use "//" insread of "/" or "\\" instead of "\".

&pdfSignature.init(&digPswd, &digSign);

Following plots the signature in the pdf file. If a signature is not needed then make it small or invisible. Adjust the values as required. 
&xCord = 0;
&yCord = 0;
&width = 0;
&height = 0;
&pageIndex = 1;
&sReason can be some text or blank if none is required.
Local JavaObject &jFloatArray = CreateJavaObject("float[]", &xCord, &yCord, &width, &height);
&pdfSignature.addSignatureField(&pageIndex, &jFloatArray, "PSoftSign");
&pdfSignature.sign("PSoftSign", &sReason);

clean-up memory once done.
&jProp = Null;
&pdfSignature = Null;
&jFloatArray = Null;

/* delete the un-encrypted file */
Local object &delFile = CreateJavaObject("", &inFile);

Friday, February 3, 2023

PS Query - Employee Photo

There are couple of options to include images in query output. In this example I am displaying employee pictures which are stored in the database (under the identification data component). I am running PT 8.59.x on HCM 9.2.

The simplest method is to include the table EMPL_PHOTO in the query and join the EMPLID field and display the EMPLOYEE_PHOTO field. On the query properties select "Image Data" that way the image is displayed in the output.

The EMPL_PHOTO table has a field called as PHOTO_SIZENAME and stores each image in 4 different sizes, CARD, LIST, ORCH and PAGE. Hence it is advisble to add a condition/filter to select the appropriate size. In my case I am filtering based on LIST.

The other option is to use drilling URL expression type. 

In this scenario we have to build two queries. The first query will query data from EMPL_PHOTO table and the query properties have to set to "Image Huperlink".

The second query will include EMPL_PHOTO and other tables. Add an expression of type "Drilling URL" and select "Image URL"

In the next dialog box, provide the details of the first query and verify the two key fields EMPLID and PHOTO_SIZENAME are peopulated correctly. The field PHOTO_SIZENAME has to be in the "field list" so will be displayed in the result. So while defining the Image URL you can map the result to this field. This way the crypting URL (expression) need not be displayed as a field in the result but the values in the PHOTO_SIZENAME column will appear hyperlinked. Clicking on this field will display the image.