Showing posts with label service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label service. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Uploading files to SharePoint Online

Here are the steps to upload files to SharePoint Online using PeopleSoft's services/service operations.

I am running PeopleTools 8.61.x and there are some properties that are discussed below that are only available in the latest tools release. 

At a high level there are three steps

1. Generate Access Token

2. Using the access token generate Form Digest

3. Finally using both the access token and form digest upload file to SPO.

Service and Service Operation build

1. Created a Document Template (N_SPO_URI_TEMPLATE) with the following primitives defined as text.

TenantID, TenantName, SiteName, SPOFolder and FileName

2. Defined two non-rowset based messages - N_SPO_REQUEST and N_SPO_RESPONSE

3. Created a consumer REST service called as N_SPO.

4. Created three service operations all with REST method as POST - 


For the service operation N_SPO_ACCESSTOKEN_POST the REST base URL is and template is {TenantID}/tokens/OAuth/2

For the service operation N_SPO_FORMDIGEST_POST the REST base URL is https:// and 

template is {TenantName}{SiteName}/_api/ContextInfo as we cannot provide any variables in the base URL.

Finally for the N_SPO_UPLOADFILES_POST service operation, the REST base URL is https:// and template is {TenantName}{SiteName}/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeURL('/sites/{SiteName}/{SPOFolder}/')/Files/add(url='{FileName}',overwrite=true)

All other settings are default settings.

5. Updated the file as follows - (this parameter may be available only in the latest tools release)


Had to provide external operational service name for these two. The first one related to access token generation worked without having to define it here. 

6. For the SPO site to which I want to upload the file, I need a Client ID and Secret, which is kind of like the user ID/password to make the connection. SharePoint admin can generate this. Value for &ApplicationID, &TenantID also provided by SharePoint admin. Value for variables like &TenantName, &SiteName, &SPOFolder derived by parsing the SPO URL to which I had to upload the file. &attachFileName is derived from the complete file path of the file to be uploaded.  

7. Now comes the peoplecode part to invoke these service operations. 

/* step 1 */
/* intialize service operation and update URL variables */
&reqMsg = CreateMessage(Operation.N_SPO_ACCESSTOKEN_POST);
&Doc_Tmpl = &reqMsg.GetURIDocument();
&COM_Tmpl = &Doc_Tmpl.DocumentElement;
&reqMsg.URIResourceIndex = 1;
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("TenantID").Value = &TenantID;

/* this is how form-data can be provided */
&reqMsg.SegmentContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
&bRet = &reqMsg.SetContentString("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=" | EncodeURLForQueryString(&ClientID | "@" | &TenantID) | "&client_secret=" | EncodeURLForQueryString(&ClientSecret) | "&resource=" | EncodeURLForQueryString(&ApplicationID | "/" | &TenantName | "" | &TenantID));

/* following HTTP property may only work in latest tools release */
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.LoadRESTHeaders();
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Disable_URLEncodingBody", "True", %HttpProperty);

/* submit request and the parse json response */
&respMsg = %IntBroker.SyncRequest(&reqMsg);
&sResp = &respMsg.GenXMLString();
&AccessToken will have the access token received in the response. 

/* step 2 */
/* intialize service operation and update URL variables */
&reqMsg = CreateMessage(Operation.N_SPO_FORMDIGEST_POST);
&Doc_Tmpl = &reqMsg.GetURIDocument();
&COM_Tmpl = &Doc_Tmpl.DocumentElement;
&reqMsg.URIResourceIndex = 1;
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("TenantName").Value = &TenantName;
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("SiteName").Value = &SiteName;

/* add properties to request header, &AccessToken is from step 1 */
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.LoadRESTHeaders();
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Authorization", &AccessToken, %Header);
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Accept", "application/json;odata=nometadata", %Header);

/* submit request and the parse json response */
&respMsg = %IntBroker.SyncRequest(&reqMsg);
&sResp = &respMsg.GenXMLString();
&FormDigest will be populated form the response.

/* step 3 */
/* intialize service operation and update URL variables */
&reqMsg = CreateMessage(Operation.N_SPO_UPLOADFILES_POST);
&Doc_Tmpl = &reqMsg.GetURIDocument();
&COM_Tmpl = &Doc_Tmpl.DocumentElement;
&reqMsg.URIResourceIndex = 1;
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("TenantName").Value = &TenantName;
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("SiteName").Value = &SiteName;
/* if SPO folder path has space in it then it has to be encoded like &SPOFolder = EncodeURL("Shared Documents/General/SPO Test"); */
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("SPOFolder").Value = &SPOFolder;
&COM_Tmpl.GetPropertyByName("FileName").Value = &attachFileName;

/* read the file to attach and GetBase64StringFromBinary */
&MTOMFile = GetFile("filename.xlsx", "R", %FilePath_Absolute);
If &MTOMFile.IsOpen Then
   &theBase64encodedString = &MTOMFile.GetBase64StringFromBinary();

/* add the bas464string to request message */
If (&reqMsg.SetContentString(&theBase64encodedString)) Then
   &reqMsg.SegmentContentType = "binary";
   &reqMsg.SegmentContentTransfer = %ContentTransfer_Binary;

/* add properties to request header, last property is a HTTP property */
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.LoadRESTHeaders();
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("X-Request-Digest", &FormDigest, %Header);
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Authorization", &AccessToken, %Header);
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Accept", "application/json;odata=nometadata", %Header);
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", %Header);
&bRet = &reqMsg.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties("Base64toBinary", "Y", %HttpProperty);

/* submit request and the parse json response */
&respMsg = %IntBroker.SyncRequest(&reqMsg);
&sResp = &respMsg.GenXMLString();

Parse the response or check response status &respMsg.HTTPResponseCode
or &respMsg.ResponseStatus to complete the processing.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

PeopleSoft Reporting Web Services

While browsing through Peoplebooks for API syntax I ran into this topic related to Reporting web services and I was pleasantly surprised that this feature is available out of the box but I don't think is used frequently. Looks like it has been around since 8.56.x  or maybe even before. So PeopleSoft provides SOAP as well as REST based web services to expose PeopleSoft data based on PS Query or Connected query to external systems. I think this is pretty cool. So as long as the data set can be constructed in PS Query or Connected Query it can be exposed out to a 3rd party service using out of the box infrastructure. This greatly simplifies elaborate design and development time of application engine programs which are generally used for building interfaces.

PeopleSoft provides QAS_QRY_SERVICE which is the service for Query Access Manager.
and PROCESSREQUEST which is the service for Process Scheduler. Via these services once can create and get query and process request type items. I tried out the query service to execute a query via Postman and it works like a charm.

There is lot of good info in PeopleBooks so I won't repeat all of that here. So I currently have two RSS feeds based on PS Query which I use for monitoring the status of process monitor processes and jobs and another one which monitors the asynchronous  services. I used these as the test cases to fetch data using the web services instead of RSS. Also setup a user which has access to the service operation and to the queries and can only run the queries. 

As I have the queries already built I tested out the REST service operation QAS_EXECUTEQRY_REST_GET to execute the queries. 

Example of the URI Template:
Provided QueryName, OwnerName is PUBLIC as the query I am using is public query, OutResultType is JSON as I want the results back in JSON format, OutResultFormat is NONFILE as I want the response in message object, isconnectedquery = N, maxrows set it to 100 ( I would never get so many rows back), json_resp set it to true, did not set anything for rest of the URI parameters. 

HTTP GET https://myserver/PSIGW/RESTListeningConnector/PSFT_HR/ExecuteQuery.v1/PUBLIC/N_MY_QUERY/JSON/NONFILE?isconnectedquery=N&maxrows=100&prompt_psqueryname=&prompt_uniquepromptname=&prompt_fieldvalue=&filterfields=&json_resp=true 

The response is received as follows:

               "PRCSTYPE":"SQR Process",
               "PRCSTYPE":"SQR Report",

Following is an example when query does not return any results.



Sunday, August 12, 2018

Windows App/Prcs Service Management

Tools 8.56.07 and HCM 9.2 installed via classic method (non-DPK)

Created one PS_CFG_HOME pointing to E:\pscfg
Under this I have 

So if I use PS_HOME\appserv\psadmin to create service for the above config then it will create one service for both the application servers and process schedulers. So if I need to start/stop one domain or just the app or prcs of one domain then its not possible.

The service created via psadmin runs the command
PS_HOME\bin\server\winx86\psntsrv.exe "E:\pscfg"
which basically applies to all domains under PS_CFG_HOME.

So I used Ruby which is packaged with the DPK installables to create 4 unique services so that I can start/stop each service individually. I had downloaded PUM26 DPK so used the setup folder and and from that location. 
Ran the following command in my CMD session as admin

psft-dpk-setup.bat --env_type midtier --domain_type appbatch

The initial part will install the puppet software, which is what we need. Quit the installation once that was done.

Created appserver_win_service.rb under each application server domain and prcs_win_service.rb under each process scheduler domain. Took the one created for PUM as a sample and then editted that accordingly.

Then create the service manually in the CDM session.

Application Server

sc create PsftAppServerDomain{name_of_domain}Service DisplayName= PsftAppServerDomain{name_of_domain}Service binpath= "C:\PROGRA~1\PUPPET~1\Puppet\sys\ruby\bin\ruby.exe E:\pscfg\appserv\{name_of_domain}\appserver_win_service.rb" group= Network

sc description PsftAppServerDomain{name_of_domain}Service "PeopleSoft AppServer Domain {name_of_domain} Service"

Process Scheduler 

sc create PsftPrcsDomain{name_of_domain}Service DisplayName= PsftPrcsDomain{name_of_domain}Service binpath= "C:\PROGRA~1\PUPPET~1\Puppet\sys\ruby\bin\ruby.exe E:\pscfg\appserv\prcs\{name_of_domain}\prcs_win_service.rb" group= Network

sc description PsftPrcsDomain{name_of_domain}Service "PeopleSoft Prcs Domain {name_of_domain} Service"

Start application server and process scheduler manually first via the classic psadmin method. Once both start cleanly shutdown both via psadmin and then attempt to start via service.

My new service executes a command like below
Path_to_ruby.exe E:\pscfg\appserv\{name_of_domain}\appserver_win_service.rb

I created the config file appserver_win_service.rb which is a text file with ruby commands which in turn uses psadmin command line to start/stop service.

So I have 4 .rb files for each service.